Our congregation has an emphasis on ministries to others, an emphasis on missions and outreach.
Besides supporting mission projects financially, our people get involved in missions themselves. We support mission projects locally, nationally and worldwide throughout the year. Several of our congregation have served in mission in Mexico at the BonFil Orphanage Project with Volunteers in Mission.
The Youth Fellowship has served in the Appalachian Service Project, the Good Works Project in Coatesville, PA. and Pittsburgh Project — each providing housing repair services.
One Summer Mission Trip for Senior High and College Students was to Bonfil, Mexico in 2010 where our Youth Group continued the work done by our congregation over the last 15 years serving Pastor Ascencio and his wife, Esther, at their children’s home (housing 19 kids) and their church, Roca Fuerte.
In 1987 our congregation organized and continue to serve in the Bradlin Chapter (West Bradford and Newlin Townships) of Meals on Wheels. We have helped at Safe Harbor (homeless shelter), as well as giving to the Lord’s Pantry (emergency food), House of His Creation (unwed mothers) and other outreach programs of the community.
Nationally we have participated in helping in many ways for natural disasters and missions. Our congregation uses hymnals that helped finance Africa University, the first private, UM-related, four-year college in southern Africa. We have also supported the Chicuque Rural Hospital in Mozambique, Africa. The church is and has been open to community groups for gatherings, such as Alcoholics Anonymous, Boy Scouts, and Girl Scouts.