Worship in the Season of Epiphany
February 9 –
Super Bowl of Caring & Scout Sunday
February 16 –
Rev. Mercedes Case preaching
Pastor David Away
February 23 –
Deacon Marilyn Schneider
Preaching on Prison Ministry
Pastor’s Bible Studies
Thursday evening study resumes on January 9th @ 7 pm in the Library. We will finish with Genesis and begin Exodus.
Monday Daytime study resumes on January 13th @ 1 pm in the Library. We will finish with Genesis and begin Exodus.
Women’s Bible Study resumes January 8th @ 10 am in the church library. All are welcome!

Our Mission of the Month for February
Our Mission of the month for February is Souper Bowl of Giving.
United Methodists celebrate on specific days to unite and make clear the commitment of the church as the people of God, and to give everyone the opportunity to contribute to special programs approved and supported by the church.
Our Mission for the whole Month for February is “Souper Bowl of Caring”. Every year on Super Bowl Sunday, people collect donations through their churches, schools and other youth organizations for local food banks, soup kitchens and other charities for those experiencing poverty and homelessness. All month we will collect canned goods, nonperishable items, or cash donations for the Lord’s Pantry. Please consider giving throughout the month of February.
Please consider giving through out the month of February for this Special Day.
Make checks payable to Marshallton United Methodist Church and enter Souper Bowl of Caring in the memo line. Thank you.
Welcome to Marshallton Church!
We pray you will join us for in-person worship on Sunday mornings beginning at 10:30 AM.
If you can’t make it in person, join us on YouTube at the link below!
Come enjoy the many fun activities and fellowship opportunities that Marshallton UMC has to offer!
Sunday School for all ages.
Sunday evening youth & young adult group
Scouts USA (boys & girls’ troops)
MUM’s Christian Preschool (ages 4-5)
Wednesday morning Women’s Bible Study
United Women in Faith (formerly UMW)
United Methodist Men
Spring & Fall Flower and plant sales
Summer Vacation Bible School
Follow us on FACEBOOK to stay in touch!!!
If you are looking for a community that seeks spiritual growth, where everybody knows your name, look no further, Marshallton is your new home.
You can contact us (610) 696-5247.
“We Stand in Solidarity”
As disciples of Jesus Christ, we are called to stand with our immigrant siblings in love and solidarity. Bishop Cynthia Moore-Koikoi has shared a video message on this biblical mandate, which we encourage you to watch and, if appropriate, share in your congregations.
Please click the link below for the message and more information from our Bishop…..
“We Stand in Solidarity” Message from Bishop Moore-Koikoi on Vimeo