United Methodist Conference of Eastern Pennsylvania

United Methodist History

Hymnsite provides many of the hymns included in the United Methodist Hymnal in MIDI format

Cokebury Bookstore of the United Methodist Church

UMC.org, the official online ministry of The United Methodist Church.

Bible search

Biblegateway provides the capability of reading the scriptures online in numerous languages, including Arabic, Chinese, German, Hungarian and others. Different English translations are also available from King James and New King James to The Message and the Contemporary English Version.

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Many of you will find it easier to start a habit of daily time with God and the Bible if it comes to you on your computer. Here’s another easy way for you to get started:

Go to this link: http://www.americanbible.org. The American Bible Society publishes the “Blue” Bibles we have in the pews. Once there, look on the right side to download “daily Bible readings.” Once you click on that you will see a box to type in your e-mail address. Click “submit,” and you will have a Bible reading, background information to help understand it, and a prayer to send you off into each day.